The Baby Boom is Busted
Birthrates are falling nearly all over the world, and the speed of this change is breathtaking. As the population ages, this is creating great challenges. The Fertility Implosion
--CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST: Six Adults and One Child: The Coming Baby Bust
--Teen pregnancy rates decrease nationwide, increase in Amarillo area : News :
--TONIGHT: Teen pregnancy hits record lows | KETK
And, the dirty little secret is it's putting the hurt on the world-wide social ponzis ...
--Ponzi Planet: The Danger Debt Poses to the Western World - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International Spiegel article, Ponzi Planet
You can see the recent world-wide "picture" of this phenom using "Gapminder's" graphical representation. HERE: GAPMINDER (World population -- babies per woman)
Japan, Germany, Belaruse, Poland, Portugal, Italy, etc. all at about 1.4 children per woman are particularly interesting in the implications. Other countries aren't quite so dramatic, but the trend is clear.

Labels: anti-Club of Rome, baby boom, Club of Rome, cultural anthropology, economics, evolution, Medicare, national debt, political propaganda, population, reality
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